MTN Group Limited
About: One of Africa’s most widely used mobile telecommunications firms with well over one-quarter of a billion subscribers across Africa and Asia.
Globacom Limited
About: Nigeria’s only locally established telecommunications firm with multinational interests across the globe with about 45 million subscribers making it the second largest network operator in Nigeria and the first to build a high-capacity fiber-optic submarine cable from the United Kingdom to Nigeria
Business consultant
About: This is an Emirati-owned and controlled telecommunications firm with operations across Sixteen (16) countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia and are the 18th largest telecoms firm on the planet by subscribers
Airtel Networks Limited
Business consultant
About: It's a leading telecommunications services provider with headquarters in Lagos, the commercial nerve center of Nigeria. The telco ranks among the top three mobile service providers in terms of subscribers with a customer base of more than 50 million as of December 2019. The company's product offerings include 2G, 3G, and 4G wireless services, mobile commerce, Home Broadband, and enterprise services.TELECOMMUNICATION FIRM OF THE YEAR Live Ended
MTN Group Limited89% 84 / 94
Globacom Limited4% 4 / 94
9Mobile1% 1 / 94
Airtel Networks Limited5% 5 / 94